FAQs - Becoming a Board or Commission Member

A list of common questions and answers are below. Feel free to contact us with additional questions.

What is an Arizona State Board or Commission?

A Board or Commission is an independent body consisting of members who are appointed by public officials, usually the Governor. Boards with Gubernatorial appointments are created in two ways, either by statute enacted in the State Legislature, or by a Governor’s Executive Order.

There are two types of boards and commissions: regulatory and advisory. Regulatory boards are those that oversee the licensing, handle complaints, and enforce disciplinary actions of individuals or industries that fall within the jurisdiction of the board’s authority. For example, a complaint filed by a patient against a physician would be reviewed, investigated, and appropriately acted upon by the Arizona Medical Board. The second type of board or commission, the advisory board, develops policy and makes recommendations to public officials on how to address specific issues. For example, the Civil Rights Advisory Board investigates and holds hearings on infringements of Arizona civil rights laws and then advises the civil rights division of the Attorney General’s Office.

How many Boards and Commissions does the State of Arizona have?

Currently there are 220 active boards and commissions in Arizona with gubernatorial appointees. These Boards cover a wide variety of topics from education to the environment to oversized commercial vehicles.

Who can serve on an Arizona State Board or Commission?

The Arizona Constitution defines the basic qualification for appointment to a State Board or Commission as: an individual must be a resident of Arizona and be at least 18 years of age. Most boards have more specific requirements that are described in the legislation or executive order by which they were created. For example, the State Board of Accountancy has seven members: five of which must be licensed by the State of Arizona as a Certified Public Accountant, one public accountant, and one public member who does not hold an accounting certificate.

Why would I want to be a member of an Arizona State Board or Commission?

Appointment to a board or commission gives citizens of Arizona an opportunity to make a significant contribution to the governance of the State. Board members help shape the future of Arizona by lending their experience, judgment, and expertise.

What time commitment is expected of a board member?

Time commitment varies depending on the board. Most boards meet once a month for four to six hours, with some additional preparatory work required. However, there are many boards that meet quarterly or even as little as twice a year. Most Board members serve terms that range from two to seven years for most boards and commissions, while other members serve ‘At the pleasure’ of the Governor.

Are board members compensated?

Compensation varies according to statute, however most boards offer travel reimbursements and/or a small per diem.

How do I become a member of a State Board or Commission?

To be considered for a gubernatorial appointment or reappointment to a State Board or Commission an application must be submitted along with a current resume. You can apply online from the Governor's Boards and Commissions Website. The application provides a space where you may list the boards in which you are interested.You must select one board and cannot put in “Any”. It is recommended you update your application and resume every two years, or whenever there is a change to your contact information. A vacancy list is also available on the Governor’s Boards and Commissions Website, which is updated frequently with current board positions.

If you need more information you may email the Governor’s Office of Boards and Commissions bc@az.gov.

Boards and Commissions Profiles

Research the Board or Commission you are interested in serving on; find out how it was established, how it is funded and staffed, its duties and responsibilities, current members and their terms, and more... View Boards and Commissions list

Contact Us

Carlos Ramos, Director
Boards and Commissions
1700 W. Washington Street, Suite 110
Phoenix, AZ 85007